Hola! ¿Cómo estás? Soy Yamila, creadora de TASCHE. Vengo a contarte un poco sobre mí y el por qué detrás de la marca, ya que primero existió una gran necesidad que tuve que pensar cómo resolver: la optimización del tiempo.Te invito a que conozcas cómo se gestó TASCHE y cuáles…
Author: tasche
TASCHE was born out of the need to merge and combine professional and personal life. We are driven by dynamism and speed day after day. We want movement, experiences that challenge us to go for more and keep us active. We are not attracted to static, stationary and stillness. This blog reflects content that questions us, that interrogates us, that invites us to know and deepen
invites us to know and deepen on those topics that call our attention and cross us, with the aim of generating reflection and own thinking while our life goes by. We are a generation in constant coming and going. We are people on the move. We are TASCHE.